Felix Chase

Felix Chase

Felix Chase

Felix Chase's videos on KinkyTwink
Felix Chase have played in 1 gay videos on KinkyTwink.com and 2 videos on our other websites
It's dicktime buddy !
It's dicktime buddy !

When his buddy invites him to his place for a soda, this gay twink with a cap knows what it means: his buddy's always horny, so he gets ready to get fucked. And it doesn't fail: as soon as he arrives, the guy offers to take a soda and rim his ass. It doesn't take him long to get in there and make him moan. It's going to be a long, hot evening, with the two friends taking it in turns to fuck each other and taste each other's cum like thirsty men.

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Memories of his first gay threesome
We'll flood your ass with cum
Memories of his first gay threesome
We'll flood your ass with cum
Memories of his first gay threesome
We'll flood your ass with cum
Memories of his first gay threesome
We'll flood your ass with cum